Friday, January 17, 2014


As I watch my future teacher-students get busy with test construction, what with this crazy wind blowing away their hair and papers here at the 4th floor classroom, I start to contemplate about the week that went by.  One word comes to mind: CONSUMING.

I remember telling my psychology students how to use various defense mechanisms wisely, for one cannot really survive in this messed up world without mastering one or two.  I also remember how I always advise my clients of not allowing themselves to dwell on negative emotions.  I realize now, with this week's ordeal, that even rocks give way to consistent and persistent waters.  I should have also advised my clients to prepare for this persistent water.

Monday was the craziest, as I gleefully fulfill my duties a bomb was dropped.  I was so surprised that all I could manage was a poker face.  As I prayed for strength I kept thinking about which circle in Dante's Inferno is reserved for gossipers.

The next day, the school paper is circulated and what ruckus did it cause!  Now I know why my editors called the issue the Mighty Smiter, for it indeed smite plenty.  I heard one professor suffered high blood pressure and was hospitalized.  One was so angry that she lauched a "protect me" campaign among her constituents.  The best reaction of them all, was this Assumptionista who, in the peak of her BP and SL, have made comments, pronouncements even, in the presence of many students which I believe will come back to her soon.  Talk about major bullying in the workplace, classic harassment I tell you.  The week went by with almost everyone I work with not talking to me or looking at me, like it's all my fault.  These people are the epitome of the expression "ignorance is bliss."

Then I realized, I have been here before.  I have had this type of treatment before and just like then, it was quite troublesome.  There are no battle scars for this is no war - it's too stupid to be one.  There are no wounds to heal for the damage was too petty to be taken seriously.  What I get are blisters from this minute but repeated pokes.  You get blisters from buying the wrong shoes, and you keep up with the discomfort because of several reasons that only you can understand.  Eventually the blister turns to callus, an ugly souvenir of your stubborn determination.

What do we do with corns and calluses? We soak them in warm water.  We get a foot spa.  We put cream or lotion. We pamper ourselves.  A good way of dealing with this situation is to pay more attention to yourself.  Let's face it, there is no use to apologize specially if you firmly believe you didn't do anything wrong.  So might as well take care of yourself so as not to be bothered any further. Retaliation is futile, for with people like these against you, it's like swatting a fly with a barbecue stick. Just let them be and you just go ahead and don't look back.  Excuse them for being who they are.  In the end, it won't be you who would get a reservation in Dante's circles.

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