Sunday, January 19, 2014

EKSENA SA KLASRUM... (dyanwari)

(Malamig na araw, mahangin na klasrum)
(Mga mag-aaral na abala sa pagbuo ng TOS)

unggghhh.... (tunog ng zombie)

R: 'wag kang makulit dyan di pa ko tapos!
J: unggghhh....
R: Sige galingan mo dyan sa pag-arte. baka makuha kang artista.
Prof: Tamang-tama J, auditions ngayon sa hollywood, kailangan ng mga katulad mo. Less make up.
J: Talaga mam?
Prof:  Oo, sa set ng Walking Dead season 5.
J: hehehe si mam naman... sa totoo lang mam, member ako ng theater.
Prof: Talaga? Sige nga kunwari auditions na. Pakitaan mo ko ng galit na walker.
J: unnngggghhh...
Prof: Yung masayang walker?
J: unnngggghhh... (same expression)
Prof: hehe sige yung malungkot na walker naman?
J: unnngggghhh... (same expression ulit)
Prof: yung nagulat na walker?
J: unnngggghhh... (same expression pa rin)
Prof:  haha galing mo, J, versatile ka iha natural na natural...

(next period)
Reporter:  (on nutrition) di kasi ako kumakain ng gulay, puro lang carne (with konyo intonation)
Classmate: wow sosyal, carnivore...
Prof:  eh kung fish lang kinakain ano tawag?
Class: mam, fishvore!
Prof:  anung meron sa hangin at ganyan ang trip nyo ngayon...

<high sa hangin>
<precious silly moments>

Friday, January 17, 2014


As I watch my future teacher-students get busy with test construction, what with this crazy wind blowing away their hair and papers here at the 4th floor classroom, I start to contemplate about the week that went by.  One word comes to mind: CONSUMING.

I remember telling my psychology students how to use various defense mechanisms wisely, for one cannot really survive in this messed up world without mastering one or two.  I also remember how I always advise my clients of not allowing themselves to dwell on negative emotions.  I realize now, with this week's ordeal, that even rocks give way to consistent and persistent waters.  I should have also advised my clients to prepare for this persistent water.

Monday was the craziest, as I gleefully fulfill my duties a bomb was dropped.  I was so surprised that all I could manage was a poker face.  As I prayed for strength I kept thinking about which circle in Dante's Inferno is reserved for gossipers.

The next day, the school paper is circulated and what ruckus did it cause!  Now I know why my editors called the issue the Mighty Smiter, for it indeed smite plenty.  I heard one professor suffered high blood pressure and was hospitalized.  One was so angry that she lauched a "protect me" campaign among her constituents.  The best reaction of them all, was this Assumptionista who, in the peak of her BP and SL, have made comments, pronouncements even, in the presence of many students which I believe will come back to her soon.  Talk about major bullying in the workplace, classic harassment I tell you.  The week went by with almost everyone I work with not talking to me or looking at me, like it's all my fault.  These people are the epitome of the expression "ignorance is bliss."

Then I realized, I have been here before.  I have had this type of treatment before and just like then, it was quite troublesome.  There are no battle scars for this is no war - it's too stupid to be one.  There are no wounds to heal for the damage was too petty to be taken seriously.  What I get are blisters from this minute but repeated pokes.  You get blisters from buying the wrong shoes, and you keep up with the discomfort because of several reasons that only you can understand.  Eventually the blister turns to callus, an ugly souvenir of your stubborn determination.

What do we do with corns and calluses? We soak them in warm water.  We get a foot spa.  We put cream or lotion. We pamper ourselves.  A good way of dealing with this situation is to pay more attention to yourself.  Let's face it, there is no use to apologize specially if you firmly believe you didn't do anything wrong.  So might as well take care of yourself so as not to be bothered any further. Retaliation is futile, for with people like these against you, it's like swatting a fly with a barbecue stick. Just let them be and you just go ahead and don't look back.  Excuse them for being who they are.  In the end, it won't be you who would get a reservation in Dante's circles.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


In the times of our ancestors, centuries before broadcast journalism, there exist a career that is so lucrative that they carry the honor and respect as to the law makers themselves - they were called the town criers, or in our native language - umalohokan.  They went about every nook and cranny of village or barangay, reciting laws, proclamations, and announcements vital to the everyday life of the commoners.  They were as good as their pronouncements, and their presence commanded attention and order.

Communities all over the world have similar stories of persons or group of persons responsible for spreading news and information.  Needless to say, information has become as essential to life as a source of livelihood.

Being a campus journalist as early as grade school (I competed and won in one of the events in National Young Writers Conference), I can recall writing news, features, and helping out our advisers in layouting, up to distributing the papers to my school mates.  As a young journalist, I experienced being praised and scolded sometimes at the same time for the same article, imagine that.  It was one of the reasons why during high school I did not pay much attention to journalistic writing, although I still managed to join the Editorial Board.  That time, I wrote short stories and poems, I remember writing one novel  - but it was too cheesy I burned it.

In College, I pioneered the College Paper of my school - from freshman 'til I graduated, I was the editor in chief.  I started it with stapled mimeographed copies and elevated to broadsheet before I left.  Aside from journalistic writing I was still into poetry, writing occasionally (once every heartbreak) and I was able to publish two romance pocketbooks (the titles of which I will never divulge as long as I know shame) but paid handsomely during those times.  I remember in one issue, I was "summoned" to the Directress office for a supposedly "disgraceful" depiction of some people in our community.  The allegations were immediately dismissed as I was (according to my paper adviser) clever enough to express my thoughts in interrogative form, so IT WAS NOT A STATEMENT OF FACT.  Little did they know that it was a great stroke of luck; I never knew then that expressing in question forms will result to a "get out of jail free" card.  That's when I became best friends with the question mark.


Now as an educator, my background as well as my capacity to be the adviser of the College paper is being questioned just because of what the editors have chosen to publish.  I never doubted for one second the chosen line up of the editors specially with the articles in question.  Do these people know what BLIND ITEMS are, and what are they for?

I mean, why would you claim that it was you being described in a blind item, the fact that the identity was deliberately hidden to somehow protect not just the person in question but the writer as well?  Isn't that a clear admission of guilt?  Then you rally your troops, I mean, supporters to an advocacy that they cannot even comprehend just to "fight" for you?  What do you aim to accomplish in the end?  Are you not just digging your own grave?

What's more interesting is this challenge that we got from one of the respectable persons in the University.  We are being asked to name all the persons we described in that controversial article about gerontology. Do you want us to pretend we are stupid or what? Why would we risk LIBEL??  Then this #GatongQueen fans the flames with her majestic questions of procedures and rights of students (now I wait who would claim that title).  Next, they asked who are the persons behind the nom de plume.  Do they even remember the concept why nom de plume is used in the first place?  They are so intelligent, with minds full of so much lessons to teach the students that they seemingly forget that even Rizal and Bonifacio, considered bravest of this land, used nom de plume, and they call the editors COWARDS for not publishing their names?  What do they need the students' real identities for? So they could bully them some more?

How can you claim that you were defamed or disgraced by an article that does not bear your name? Yes it describes some characters which even if we conduct a survey tomorrow can be proven to exist in the academe, but why do you claim it's you?  Is it because you realize that you have been found wanting?

We never intend to disrespect any particular person (hey, we even stressed how "papunta pa lang kami at pabalik na kayo" works towards the end of the article - have you finished reading it by the way??) we simply wanted to let others know that there are, among you respectable seasoned citizens who seemed to have forgotten what they have sworn as their Hippocratic oath for teachers.  We have grandparents too; we love and respect them as much as how we want to love and respect all of you (yes even those claiming to be thunders #1-9).

What's this bull we heard that since students pay only less than a thousand for tuition, they should not complain as to what they get inside the classroom?  Is that for real?  OMG! (credit to #Diego) So they shouldn't complain when professors give them crap, loop from chapter one to chapter one, or sleep the entire period, or allow the students to report and discuss among themselves?  Since they pay less, they cannot receive more?  I heard that the Univ. President is pushing for ZERO TUITION FEE in the future.  If that will come true, then what happens to the rights of students? Do the logic.  Students, and specially the editors, are not UNGRATEFUL bast*rds and bi*ches as you depict them to be.  They are from poor families where every peso is equalled by blood, sweat and tears of their parents.  Doesn't this institution claim to be "where quality education need not be expensive?"  Kindly explain how using tons of manila papers and practicing cursive writing can be quality education IN A WORLD GREATLY CHARACTERIZED BY TECHNOLOGY? Do you think, when our students graduate and apply for jobs, their interviewer would ask them for a resume written in cursive?  Will our students, when they become professionals, be applauded when they present their mind blowing ideas to their CEOs and investors IN MANILA PAPERS and paper cut outs? OMG! (#Diego, thanks again) Wake up, smell the roses, and watch out for the signs of the times!

EDUCATORS SHOULD WATCH WHAT COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTHS. No matter how high or low your blood pressure and sugars may be.

I know, I know... I remember what I said earlier to my staff (not that old yet to forget, at least not yet, I will get there, but hey, no rush) that I will shut up, take their sentiments in one ear and let it out the other.  But what is one supposed to do when you see them "organizing" themselves and talking ill about you?  We take arms! WE GRAB A KEYBOARD! WE BLOG! MABUHAY ANG MALAYANG PAMAMAHAYAG!!!


A whole year without a single blog??? What has my world come into?

There can only be one reason for the very long sleep mode (Princess Aurora, is that you?):  I have been tremendously preoccupied with work and family - my primary concerns in this lifetime - overwhelmed by events that has made me too tired to blog.  I can recall almost all anime series, seasons after seasons of police procedural dramas I have watched during the entire year.

Wait, if I were that busy, how did I get to watch all those??? Did I suddenly move to Venus where a day is 5,832 hours? With my mind and body being so tired the whole day, I would spend the night with an activity that requires less brain and energy.  Nope, sex needed energy.  So TV it was.

2013 was quite an ordeal, yes, and I could nearly say it was filled with unprecedented tribulations.  Its first quarter was spent in working double time; it's kinda like double everything, I think.  I needed to save as much financial resources as possible because of the looming threat to my job.  Almost all my colleagues were worried about it because our job, no matter how they say that "we are not political," the institution is. Then I clearly remember how the second quarter went about with almost every day and night of tears and so much heart ache and frustration.  Overrated?  What would you say when the most notorious group of people that attacked your present work setup were the very ones you considered to be your best friend, protege, and even godson???  Not a day went by when I didn't ask myself where have I gone wrong?  Was I really that evil to have generated these enemies so close to my heart?  Everyday was a heartbreak.  Coupled with the seeming threat of losing my job - my only bread and butter - plus the graduation of my children from high school and grade school respectively.  I thought, what future can I give them?  Graduation is not just the end of a level, it is also the beginning of the next stage in their lives.  How can I provide for them if I lost my job?  Those where just the regular everyday.  Then there were special days, so special that I think I would have taken a physical beating more gladly than a single minute of it.  So special that I had considered how I'd look either in a coffin or a correctional uniform.  Had it been to my psychology background, I would have donned the classic straight-jacket with pride.  Yes, that was 2013 2nd quarter.

3rd quarter was a different story, it started with a promise.  The very first day that we met with this person - everything went 360!  It was a bliss to know that even in politics, there are still persons like him who would consider the general welfare of the constituents in making leadership appointments.  This time, I worked my butt off to prove that I am worth retaining, and that I am one with them in providing only what's best for the University.  and so went the 4th quarter, with me proving to the new bosses, and almost to everybody in the University, that I deserve what I strive for.  I enjoyed it so much (remember, ADHD) that it became my new normal.  There were less financial benefits though (I admit) but the trust and confidence received is something that money cannot buy.  There were plenty of acid tests along the way, as the saying goes, you cannot please everybody.  Specially if their goal is to find fault.  If you become so good that you start becoming a threat, now they find fault.

Then it's 2014!  It seems that everything is falling rightfully in its proper places.  Got my deanship, finally got a family car (2nd hand 20 yrold red toyota - dad said it's a girl's car), my children properly enrolled.  Though the budget's quite tight (what with the high price of gasoline and no extra resources from book sales) I was making ends' meet satisfactorily.  Sure, there are bush fires every now and then (like ppl ganging up on you, demolition campaigns through gossiping - my, how creative could they get!), but things are manageable with the support of selected trustworthy family and staff (pseudo-family).

So what's the bottomline here (credits to Mam Amy V. - love that prof!)?  As I have adjusted to the demands of the present life, I believe I can manage to squeeze in some time for blogging - while waiting for crops to grow and factory products to be delivered in my virtual farm - that is.

What to write?? What to blog about???  Honestly the inspiration to blog again became strong as I watch SHERLOCK.  I wish I was John Watson, companion to a Sherlock Holmes, so I could write as much about adventures and solving puzzling crimes.  I wish I was Amy Pond, or Rose Tyler (I love her Doctor more) so I could learn from the past and prepare for the future.  But since I neither am any of them, I will just be ME - the ADH psychologist with the passion for pop rock songs, Stephen King, anime and manga, who loves to write about everyday life.