Monday, September 6, 2010

Making Sense of Sensui's MPD

hello there, finally here is what i promised with my first blog - Sensui Shinobu - the Black Angel -  and his "Other selves."  For those who are not familiar with the great spirit detective preceeding Yusuke Urameshi in Yu Yu Hakusho, Sensui, during his fight with Yusuke, manifested a sudden switch in personality twice.  Itsuki (Sensui's boyfriend haha) divulged that Sensui hosts 6 other distinct personalities:
  • Minoru - a charismatic speaker who was in control during the beginning of the Sensui arc.
  • Kazuya - a sadistic killer who takes over as Yusuke gets the upper hand fighting Minoru.
  • Naru - a female personality spoken of by Itsuki who writes poetry.
  • Jooji - a weaponsmaster.
  • Makato - in charge of miscellaneus: cooking, cleaning, gardening, shopping, etc.
  • Hitoshi - looks after nonhuman things such as plants, animals, etc.
  It was said that Sensui "gave birth" to each of the personalities to deal with the stress, guilt and confusion brought about by his job as a spirit detective.  In psych terms - MECHANISMS of escape and defense which became so distinct it evolved into a multiple personality disorder. That is exactly the spirit detective's condition - also called Dissociative Identity Disorder.  It is clinically defined as the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states, each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self.  For more technical information about DID, check out:
           Question: Is it really possible to happen in anyone's life?
            Answer: YES!!!!  

That's what i like about most anime writers, they don't just write mush, they RESEARCH.  Who says anime is for kids? Who would say anime doesn't teach us anything?  I would greatly disagree.

During the darkest moments of our lives, our psyche (brain, consciousness, soul if u may call it), attempts to shield the self from extreme pain, frustration, and confusion.  This of course, is dictated by how our brains have been trained.  Needless to say, that a person who is more educated and has more practice with rational thinking would act more rational compared to an uneducated person who would more often than not, act on impulse. Majority of prisoners and criminals are from poor families which is one of the primary reason they are in jail.  Nope, not because they cannot afford justice, but rather most of them are not really educated well as to how they should react on certain circumstances in their lives.  Now do not confuse being EDUCATED with GOING TO COLLEGE or earning a degree or attending a prestigious school.  To be educated in life would simply mean that you have weighed more options and have sought more possibilities of countering an unpleasant situation.

We don't have a rei-gun, or kamehame, or rasengan, or whatever superpower that anime characters have to deal with their supernatural problems.  But at least we could start training our minds to always think rationally, decide which is the best option before we make our choice of actions.

1 comment:

  1. agree...

    it's not about the degree we have to say that we are educated but it is more on how we use it on our daily lives...
