Monday, September 6, 2010

What's with all these SCANDALS??!!!

Yesterday was a good day for UCC, we went to Tandang Sora annex to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Mel Bautista, the Head of the BA kingdom (that makes her the queen, right? hehe)  There were so much food, we were even amused by the blessing-prayer led by Dr. Dizon, it goes a little something like this: "thou shall not eat what is not good for your health condition" hehe... but like most days in UCC, good times have expiration dates.

After our meals, one professor told us about this UCC Scandal over the internet.  Curious, of course, we asked him to browse the said site so we could really verify if it's a UCCian alright, just like what another Social Science professor said.  The host site speaks for itself (please don't ask me): it is where you can upload and download videos/photos sexual in theme.  Most of the waiting professors did not last 10 seconds of viewing the said material, so we failed with our initial objective of verifying the identity.  Honestly, I would like to believe that it's not a UCCian, but recent events in the University tell me otherwise.  Just a few months ago we suspended a 4thyr student for posting bare naked photos of herself in facebook.  2 weeks ago, i received another information of a student who posted her photo wearing only bra in fb also.  Today just a few minutes ago I saw also in fb a photo of one of my artists with his briefs on.  What's happening with these ppl???!!!

A colleague tells me, why don't we make a study/research on this behavior of young ppl nowadays? It's going to be very hard, primarily because of lack of literature.  But i would like to shed some light on the issue at hand.

Firstly, posting sexual acts/naked pics for the public to see is considered DELINQUENCY, it defies what is generally accepted by the norms of our society.  It is antisocial, although most of the young ppl engaged in such believed that they will get social approval by doing what they have done.  If someone would say their body is a work of art, and would want ppl to appreciate it, well, there is a more acceptable means of displaying YOUR art.
Think about this: why is it that when we see guys/gals in their SWIMSUIT, no matter how skimpy, it looks sexy and artsy, while seeing a person in his regular undergarment (a bra, panties, or briefs) is not? It is because we are already accustomed to seeing swimwear, and have developed tolerance for it.  I don't know if the time will come when walking in ur undergarments will be tolerated in our society.

Secondly, a person who uploaded his sex video/nude pics on the internet and derived pleasure and satisfaction from the act (of posting it) may be considered as an EXHIBITIONIST.  Exhibitionism is a SEXUAL DISORDER and is clinically defined as "over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving the exposure of one's genitals to an unsuspecting stranger" (DSM IV).  Usually, exhibitionism appears hand in hand with another serious sexual disorder - VOYEURISM (recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving the act of observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity - DSM IV).  So why are you downloading all that porn videos? Why is your cellphone filled to the brim of scandals here and there? NAMBOBOSO ka!

In the clinical setting, exhibitionism and voyeurism becomes a full blown problem when "the fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning" (DSM IV).  So can we consider social stigma and delinquency an impairment?  If the client gets treated with reproachful characterization which later will cause him to isolate himself, this may be an impairment.
So young, and yet already suffering from a sexual disorder?? they have yet to enjoy the beauty of sex, and here they are trampling on it. 

It is worth mentioning that most cases of (unofficially reported) sexual delinquency in our University is at Camarin Annex.  One colleague hypothesized that maybe since there are very few worthwhile avenues to spend their spare time, our youths resort to mischief and delinquent behavior to get their minds off the boredom.  (sarap nman mag alis ng boredom sa ganung paraan haha kapalit karangalan).  I told him, it's not the lack of opportunity, it is the LACK OF INFORMATION on how to use their time wisely that's the problem.  Imagine two teenagers who have been seeing each other for more than 5 hours a day, they would have explored their whole history in a matter of 3 weeks, and should they be sexually active, would have gone 3rd base by the 1st month.  So if they have been engaging in premarital sex for quite sometime, what else is there to excite them?  Why not record it on video? then accidentally the phone got stolen - there there there.  the origins of most uploaded scandals.

Another friend of mine who owns a cellphone repair store in a mall disclosed that usually, when they repair the units, they would make a BACK UP COPY of all the phone files into their PC.  Instant exposure of your videos!  So mind what you store in ur cellphones.

But those facebook uploads are a different story.  The ppl doing this are fully conscious and aware of what they are allowing others to see.  So i cannot think of any other reason than MERE DELINQUENCY, or SHEER STUPIDITY.

People who have seen them on video/photos exposing their intimate parts which should have been reserved for their future wives/husbands might forget about it for sometime.  But your stupid mistake is one GHOST in your past that will cling on to you and would follow you wherever you go.  You will always be that girl on the video "naglilinis ng tubo", that girl who posted covering her tits but exposing her face, that guy with a angled dangle, or whatever term ppl might come up with to identify that stupid mistake.

Making Sense of Sensui's MPD

hello there, finally here is what i promised with my first blog - Sensui Shinobu - the Black Angel -  and his "Other selves."  For those who are not familiar with the great spirit detective preceeding Yusuke Urameshi in Yu Yu Hakusho, Sensui, during his fight with Yusuke, manifested a sudden switch in personality twice.  Itsuki (Sensui's boyfriend haha) divulged that Sensui hosts 6 other distinct personalities:
  • Minoru - a charismatic speaker who was in control during the beginning of the Sensui arc.
  • Kazuya - a sadistic killer who takes over as Yusuke gets the upper hand fighting Minoru.
  • Naru - a female personality spoken of by Itsuki who writes poetry.
  • Jooji - a weaponsmaster.
  • Makato - in charge of miscellaneus: cooking, cleaning, gardening, shopping, etc.
  • Hitoshi - looks after nonhuman things such as plants, animals, etc.
  It was said that Sensui "gave birth" to each of the personalities to deal with the stress, guilt and confusion brought about by his job as a spirit detective.  In psych terms - MECHANISMS of escape and defense which became so distinct it evolved into a multiple personality disorder. That is exactly the spirit detective's condition - also called Dissociative Identity Disorder.  It is clinically defined as the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states, each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self.  For more technical information about DID, check out:
           Question: Is it really possible to happen in anyone's life?
            Answer: YES!!!!  

That's what i like about most anime writers, they don't just write mush, they RESEARCH.  Who says anime is for kids? Who would say anime doesn't teach us anything?  I would greatly disagree.

During the darkest moments of our lives, our psyche (brain, consciousness, soul if u may call it), attempts to shield the self from extreme pain, frustration, and confusion.  This of course, is dictated by how our brains have been trained.  Needless to say, that a person who is more educated and has more practice with rational thinking would act more rational compared to an uneducated person who would more often than not, act on impulse. Majority of prisoners and criminals are from poor families which is one of the primary reason they are in jail.  Nope, not because they cannot afford justice, but rather most of them are not really educated well as to how they should react on certain circumstances in their lives.  Now do not confuse being EDUCATED with GOING TO COLLEGE or earning a degree or attending a prestigious school.  To be educated in life would simply mean that you have weighed more options and have sought more possibilities of countering an unpleasant situation.

We don't have a rei-gun, or kamehame, or rasengan, or whatever superpower that anime characters have to deal with their supernatural problems.  But at least we could start training our minds to always think rationally, decide which is the best option before we make our choice of actions.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

hello life!

it's been ages since i last blogged and now i think i'm ready to give it some quality time.  My colleague and best guy pal, dr. ted macaraeg, has been talking incessantly about blogging and how we could get some dough out of it, but i have been reluctant.  First, i seem to lack material - inspiration - to write about, not like when i was actively blogging 2 years ago.  Second, it's just not really me - writing for money.  I write because i have lots of things in mind which i'd like to dish out, whether to be read by others or not.

Cool layout, right? Ooops, i should say, HOT layout, with the flames and all.  I fell in love with it the first time i saw it.  I have been facinated by fire since childhood, i don't like water.  If i'd be able to bend an element i bet it's going to be fire :)  Plus i have always associated myself with anime characters with fire elements on their side: Sasuke Uchiha, Hiei (the awesome black flame dragon), Tasuki of Fushigi Yuugi, to name some.  Let's just say, given the opportunity, i would play with fire not to the extent that i'd burn of course.

Speaking of anime, i have been thinking of a theme for my blogs, and one that keeps popping up is the psyche behind anime characters and stories.  I don't claim to be an expert in psychoanalysis, but i would try my best to put some psychological explanation to some of the behaviors of your favorite anime.  Well, I'd do that as soon as i get the inspiration.

Today I have accomplished two things that i like to do best: reading and watching anime.  I finished Bob Ong's Stainless Longganisa, a pocketbook i got for my birthday.  I would never buy Bob Ong books even if i find it in booksale, but you see I own three titles - all gifts.  Personally i think it's a ho-humm compared to his first 3 books.  What i like about him is that he doesn't really care what readers say about his works, what matters is that he is able to write what's on his mind.  I'd like to hold on to that lovely philosophy too, if Mr. Ong won't mind.

I have also finished Yu Yu Hakusho anime (for the 4th time).  Last night i saw Yusuke's fight with Sensui.  Watching it made me research on Multiple personality disorder which will be the topic of my 2nd blog.

But now i have to gather materials to make that post more credible. SLEEP MODE.